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Writer's picture: Organis IndonesiaOrganis Indonesia

Pembuat/Maker: P. Furtwangler & Hammer, Hannover, 1921 (instrumen)

Organ case sejak perkiraan +- 1780

Kotak organ (organ case) Orgel Blenduk kemungkinan berasal dari akhir abad ke-18, meskipun tidak ada informasi yang tersedia. Organ ini pernah direnovasi/dibangun ulang oleh P. Furtwangler & Hammer, perusahaan dari Hannover, Jerman pada tahun 1921. Sayangnya, saat ini tidak ada bagian organ yang masih berfungsi akibat serangan rayap. Konsol organ terletak di ruang gereja dan membuat organis tidak terlihat oleh jemaat.

Crowded into the maze of narrow streets near the main railway station in the old part of Semarang, is the large Gereja Blenduk. This is a protestant church, built in 1753. The church exterior has been renovated under a National Monument scheme. The interior of the church has been maintained in good condition and the stained glass windows, whilst not greatly detailed, glow with gentle colours. The church design is circular and a huge dome forms the roof and ceiling. There are three balconies inside the sanctuary: one is now the church office and another is used for overflow seating. The organcase appears to date from the late 1700's but no local information was available.

The organ was overhauled or rebuilt by P. Furtwangler & Hammer, Hannover in 1921. Sadly, nothing workable remains of the interior and mechanism of the organ. There was, at some time, a horrific attack of termites that destroyed everything except the magnificent Rocco style case. The main organ case is set back into the wall of the church, leaving a space about 1.5 metres to the section of the organ mounted on the balcony rail. The console was located in this space and not visible from the congregation because "the organist was not to be the focal point of the instrument - only a servant of the church".


Berdasarkan catatan spesifikasi pada 1921

Manual I Bordon 16'; Prestant 8'; Viola di Gamba 8'; Concertflote 8'; Octaaf 4'; Octaavfluit 2'; Trompet 8'; Mixtur II & III

Manual II Hornprincipal 8'; Salicional 8'; Aeoline 8'; Vox coelestis 8'; Holpijp 4'; Flautino 2'

Pedal Violon 16'; Subbas 16'; Zartbas (from I Bordon) 16'; Violon (from I Gamba) 8'; Manualkoppel II-I; Pedalkoppel II; Pedalkoppel I; Superoktavkoppel II; Superoktavkoppel II-I

Sumber utama: Rudi van Straten - Senior-specialist Sounding Heritage, NL

Diteruskan dan dikembangkan dengan persetujuan Rudi van Straten, dalam rangka kerja sama program Sounding Heritage Indonesia

Hak Cipta pada Rudi van Straten - Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands) (CC-BY-SA 4.0). Dokumen asli dapat diakses pada:

Riset oleh Rudi van Straten

Alih Bahasa dan pengembangan oleh Nico Gamalliel, dan tim Organis Indonesia/Sounding Heritage Indonesia

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